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Health & Wellbeing feature launched

During these trying times it’s important to look after your health.

That’s why at the Valley Profile, we’ve launched a new Heath & Wellbeing feature.

We are lucky to have such a huge range of exceptional health and well-being professionals, organisations and stores in the Thames Valley, who are there to help you in any way they can.

Each mon th, we will feature a local health and wellbeing expert, who will outline what they have to offer in their field to help you gain and/or maintain the very best of health.

Over the following months, we will hear from Wass Chiropractic, Re-Store Eco Market, Pam Smith Bowen Therapist, True Smiles Dentures, Hauraki Health Centre, Kneedz Massage Therapy and more.

We have space available to feature more health and wellbeing experts – if you would like to be part of our monthly Health & Wellbeing feature, please contact Nikki Sanders, Ph 022 1303 885 or email to book your space today.