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Sant rambles through the Ngatea Xmas Funday. Photo: DAVIDDA HIKATANGATA

Merry Christmas

Christmas excitement was in full swing at the Ngatea Xmas Funday on Sunday. Santa ditched the sleigh and descended upon the Hauraki Plains in a yellow combine harvester. Kids were in awe as the man in red wandered through the Funday grounds, meeting families and handing out sweets. Funday attendees were treated to music, classic cars, food stalls, buskers, face painting, giant bubbles, fairies and more.

The Ngatea Xmas Funday captivated hundreds of people over the weekend, including the jolly man in the red suit, but he was missing his sleigh. Instead of reindeer hooves, the Hauraki Plains heard the rolling motion of a combine harvester – Santa’s new wheels.

Joyful chatter and laughter came from children and families around the Hugh Hayward Domain as Santa shared kindness and handfuls of lollies with the crowds. 

The Funday was filled with music from the Kerepēhi Brass Band, food trucks, buskers, classic cars, fairies, giant bubbles, face painting, and more than 100 market stalls. 
Reporter DAVIDDA HIKATANGATA snapped some of the Funday festivities.