The new SH25A bridge is another step closer to completion with the precast concrete side barriers now in place and further work to connect the bridge deck to solid ground at the abutments completed, the transport agency says.
“Last week the team lifted and placed 44 barriers along each side of the bridge deck,” Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency said in its latest report.
At the eastern abutment, the team poured the concrete for the expansion joint and knock off block, which are design features that allow for movement in concrete bridges.
Soil nailing of the slip face above the bridge continues with night work as well to speed up progress. Drainage installation under the bridge and at the western abutment is underway.
The team also completed the pavement layers for the new road at the eastern approach. These are the crushed rock layers that will be sealed with a layer of asphalt.
“This week the team will set up the reinforcement and do the concrete pours, which connect the barriers to the bridge deck and form and pour the expansion joint and knock off block at the western abutment.
“They will also start reinstatement of the road at the western approach.
Asphalt, road marking and barriers will be completed over the next few weeks ahead of the bridge opening.”

SH25A – by the numbers
Waka Kotahi said while there had been a huge focus on the new bridge, other teams had been working along SH25A itself.
“This work will ensure the highway is in good condition, safe and more resilient ahead of its reopening by Wednesday, December 20.
“Getting the repairs and maintenance work done now means we limit the impact and disruption our activities have on the road users once the road reopens.”
By the time the road is reopened the following will have been done:
- 23 culverts replaced
- 11.5km of side drains with kerb and channel and riprap drains
- Seven bridges strengthened
- 6.6km of new seal
- New centre lines, edge lines and edge marker posts installed along the 28.2km highway.

High-tech tape used for SH25A bridges
Maintenance work on seven bridges along SH25A includes a new technique for strengthening bridges with a high-tech tape ‘glued’ to the underside of the bridge decks (shown above).
Alongside work to repair cracks in the concrete and repaint steel girders, the fibre reinforced polymer tape is being applied with high strength adhesive.
“The tape is a comparatively new technology being used more widely as part of bridge repair and strengthening work across the country,” Waka Kotahi said.
Scaffolding is in place at each of the bridges so workers can carry out other maintenance work to the underside of each bridge.