Momentum is building at the summit of State Highway 25A, Waka Kotahi said, where work to build the bridge reconnecting Coromandel communities is well underway.
Over the past week a 100-tonne crane and 100-tonne piling rig have been brought up to the eastern side of the site. They are set up ready for the main bridge construction to begin next week at what will become the eastern abutment of the bridge.
The first step will be to wind in the seismic casings for the piles – the large tubular metal sleeve that provides unrestricted movement of the top portion of the pile under earthquake loading. These casings are being cut to length in New Zealand and progressively delivered to Kōpū, where they are being stored ready for use.
Test drilling to determine the depth of the piles has already been completed.

Elsewhere on site, work has continued laying more drainage on the hill above and below the bridge site, and stabilising access tracks with lime and cement so the machinery and rigs can be moved into position to drill the next set of piles.
Staff numbers on site have increased as activity ramps up and specialist crews are brought onboard for specific tasks such as piling, reinforcing, stabilising, drainage.
Off-site, the prefabricated bridge beams being manufactured in Hawkes Bay by Eastbridge are taking shape in their factory. With 15 of these to be fabricated, the team there are working around the clock, seven days a week.