Hauraki District Council have voted to close its traffic management fund for events and replace it with a new fund, one that is “open to all” across the rohe.
Increases in traffic management costs was one reason for the change, councillors heard, as was an over-reliance on council funding, and unequal opportunities for events not previously funded.
The new general fund will be open to all events taking place within the Hauraki district.
A portion of it will be “ring fenced” annually to fund the traffic management of events such as: Go Waihī’s Beach Hop Warm Up Party; the Paeroa Highland Games and Tattoo; ward Christmas parades; and the Rotary Paeroa Classic and Vintage Car Show.
If traffic management funding is not required for these events, the funds can instead be used for the general event fund, open to all other event organisers in the rohe [area].

According to a council report, fully funding traffic management for some community events had “created a reliance” on the district council for events to go ahead.
“It would be opportune to review and support these events to expand their funding streams and/or adapt their events.
“Both Ngātea and Waihī moved away from Christmas Parades this year to events that do not require road closures and both events received positive feedback,” the report said. “Neither were eligible for funding from the traffic management budget.”
The report also raised concerns about there being no process to determine the actual need of the organisations for funding, as the Go Waihī Warm Up Party, Paeroa Highland Games and Tattoo, ward Christmas parades and Rotary Paeroa Classic and Vintage Car Show had their traffic management invoices paid in full by council without needing to submit a budget or assurances beforehand.
“An event approval process is currently under development and it is envisaged that this will provide an avenue for event funding requests and offers of support from the [council’s] district events coordinator.”
The report was received positively at a council meeting on February 22, with councillors stating they were “happy to support it as it stands”.
The closure of the traffic management fund and creation of a general event fund received a unanimous vote around the table.