Read more about the article Stopbank to Stopbank: Flood protection worked ‘magically’
The network of stopbanks surrounding the Hauraki district worked wonders to protect Paeroa from flooding during the severe weather events of 2023. FILE PHOTO: TANE BRADLEY

Stopbank to Stopbank: Flood protection worked ‘magically’

In the space of a fortnight, Waihou Valley’s flood protection scheme has worked ‘magically’ to protect its towns from further damage caused by two severe weather events. KELLEY TANTAU dives…

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Read more about the article Rotary show cancelled
V8, muscle, vintage and modified classic cars are expected at the event. File photo: TERESA RAMSEY

Rotary show cancelled

Rotary Paeroa’s popular V8 and Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet which was scheduled to rev up on February 25 has been siphoned due to wet weather.The fundraising event, which attracted…

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