On Thursday October 3 at the Thames Civic War Memorial Hall, Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki will once again be hosting Whānau Day Out – a fun and interactive gathering of local health providers, social services and community groups, with the kaupapa of sharing information and connecting with the whānau whānui of Hauraki.
This annual collaborative event, coordinated by the Whānau Ora service team within Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki, is sure to be another successful day of connection, interaction, kōrero and fun for all Hauraki whānau.
Kaiārahi Kiara Fisher says, “Many of our whānau in Hauraki, especially those who live rurally, face a multitude of different barriers when trying to access the supports of our local community service providers, or are unaware of what is out there to support them”.
“This day aims to break down those barriers and not only provide information to our local hapori [community] but also give them an opportunity to access a range of different health services all in one location.”
Throughout the day whānau will be able to access a variety of different health checks and interact with a wide range of organisations providing services and support across the life and hauora spectrums. Fun activities, games and quizzes will make this a fun family outing during the school holidays.
It also provides an opportunity for service providers to network with each other and find a range of pathways to best support our community as a collective.
“With our whānau as our focus, we hope to encourage as many people as possible to come down and get to know the amazing kaimahi [workers] that support our community and enjoy a fun day out with lots of freebies, kai and giveaways.”
DETAILS: Whānau Day Out, Thursday October 3, 10am to 1:30pm, Thames War Memorial Civic Centre, 200 Mary St. More info: contact the Whānau Ora team at