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Every piper and drummer marches in unison under the mace of the Auckland Police Pipe Band at the Evening Tattoo. Photo: ALICE PARMINTER

Tattoo triumph

The 31st annual Highland Games and Tattoo was held in Paeroa Domain on February 10. Thousands of people celebrated all things Scotland, with dancing, competitions, pipers and drummers, and a wealth of Scottish culture and food in the Clan Village.
The day finished with a three hour evening tattoo extravaganza. ALICE PARMINTER marched along to catch the festivities.

Rows of pipers and drummers weave through one another in an impressive display of precision and musical talent. Photo: ALICE PARMINTER
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The Northland Caledonian Pipe Band. Photo: ALICE PARMINTER
Andy from Tauranga represents the Kiwi team in finals of the caber toss. Photo: ALICE PARMINTER
The Hamilton Caledonian Pipe Band. Photo: ALICE PARMINTER
The drum majors show their flair in the finals of the Flourishing of the Mace. Photo: ALICE PARMINTER