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The kapahaka group performs for their guests. Photo: SUPPLIED

Mini roadie visits

The Kiwi Kids Charity mini roadie convoy swept through Paeroa on October 13, visiting Paeroa Central School, Goldfields School and Karangahake School to meet the kids. Crews later worked on a number of projects at these schools and several others. 

At Paeroa Central School, the convoy danced, played handball, and shared BBQ breakfast with the students, before presenting the school with a grant for new basketball hoops and a swing. 

“Our tamariki had a wonderful time with the crew of colourful characters and friendly volunteers from The Kiwi Kids Charity,” principal Mona Hingston said. 

“They received a delicious breakfast and giveaways. We thanked them with waiata and hugs at the end of the event.”

The charity cooked up a barbeque breakfast for the students. Photo: SUPPLIED
Students tuck in. Photo: SUPPLIED
The happy students of Paeroa Central School. Photo: SUPPLIED