Work has continued on the bridge over the slip on State Highway 25A between Kōpū and Hikuai this week. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency updates us on the progress.
Although the weather wasn’t great last week, the team pushed through keeping the programme on track. The work offsite and at the Kōpū yard continues, while on site the team has begun transitioning from civil/ground level work to bridge/structural work. This means the team is now starting work above ground, which is where the project really comes to life.
Despite the rain, have a look below at the progress the team made, starting from the Thames side (west) to the Hikuai side (east).

Abutment A: Preparation works, and blinding were completed. Blinding is a thin layer of concrete that creates a clean and dry working platform and a base for the abutment beam. The team will now start building the abutment above the ground which involves the abutment beam and the wingwall, both made of concrete. The wingwall will retain the ground as it transitions from the road to the bridge. The abutment beam will be the base which the bridge deck will be attached to.
Pier B: The team installed four pile casings and poured three. The fourth one will be poured this week.
Pier C: We’ve completed the soil nailing at Pier C and the working platform, allowing the drilling rig to start on the final set of piles for the new bridge this week.
Abutment D: Preparing for blinding, then the team starts work above ground – same as abutment A.