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Contact Sue Merrick for your specialist dental prosthetic care needs. Photo: ALICE PARMINTER

Meet Sue Merrick, curator of happy smiles

For clinical dental technician Sue Merrick, a confident smile is a matter of pride.

Dental prosthetics are Sue’s speciality – from full and partial dentures to tightening, repairs and mouthguards, she provides the complete package. 

“Your smile is important,” Sue says. “People lose confidence without the smile.”

Sue’s clients are more like family, and the most important part of her service is making sure people are supported throughout the process. 

“I care about the person that I’m dealing with, and I want to offer the best solution for them,” she says. 

“It’s a personal thing, getting dentures made. Especially for women, it can be really upsetting being told that they’ve got to lose all their teeth.” 

After taking mouth impressions, Sue makes the dentures to a patient’s specifications. She fits them to the client’s mouth, and she then offers aftercare services; followup appointments and checking in to ensure the dentures are working well. Aftercare is important, Sue says, and she’s happy to see clients anytime to ensure the product is still working for them. 

“It’s an ongoing care,” she says. “If you’ve got a problem, even if it’s in six months’ time, come and see me.”

Sue’s 30 years’ experience in the field means she’s an expert on the perfect smile. 

“When done well, the denture disappears into the patient’s face and becomes part of the person.”

And having the perfect smile can make anyone smile. 

“I just want [my clients] to be happy and have a good quality denture for what they can afford.”

Sue runs clinics from Paeroa’s Wellness Clinic on the corners of Hughenden and Marshall Sts, and at the Waihi Family Doctors on Kenny St. She also does house visits.

Call 0800 295 900 or email to arrange a free consultation.