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Four Square Paeroa staff Matt Carter, left, Glenn Robinson, Tim Watts, and Hazel Bidois. Photo: GORDON PREECE

Many offerings for the community

Paeroa’s newest grocer has felt “a real sense of pride” to deliver fresh products to his community in the past six months.
Tim Watts has owned Four Square Paeroa alongside his wife Lauren since November last year after previous stints at Northland stores since 2020.

“I grew up on an orchard outside Cambridge and Lauren in a dairy in Renwick so the concept of serving the community is in our blood and the desire of getting into Four Square was something we had wanted to do for a number of years,” he said.
“Being a locally owned and operated community store and serving the community is pretty special, and building the relationships with all the different customers we’ve got and meeting their families, there’s nothing quite like it really.”
Tim said his store on the main street, which has 17 staff, offers fresh produce, meat, fish, bakery alongside supermarket staples and had recently introduced seafood and chicken and chips.
“Chicken and chips has been a game changer for us and is bringing so many new customers into the store,” he said.
“We are constantly listening to what products our customers want to see in store and have ranged hundreds of new products delivering on the range and value that our loyal customers expect.”
Tim is also a Positive Paeroa committee member and can be seen sponsoring sport and community projects. He plans to launch more community initiatives this year alongside other local businesses.
“We are fortunate to be able to serve. Thank you to every one of our customers, your support means so much to Lauren and I,” he said.