Colville Road is now open to all traffic along its entire length, Thames Coromandel District Council said.
Traffic management is still in place while work to clear remaining slips and hazards is carried out.
The many campgrounds and lodges in this part of the district are once again easily accessible via State Highway 25 along the Thames Coast to Coromandel Town and then north on Colville Rd.
Tapu-Coroglen Road is still closed on either side of the slip at 10km from Tapu, but the businesses along the road are open and accessible.

The slip is large (approximately 30m wide along the road on the face of the slip) with the slip occurring both above and below the road.
Initial site assessment found the risk was too great to allow access to or around the slip, with material still continuing to move.
Closures are in place on either side of the slip. Properties can be accessed from either end (Tapu or Coroglen); however, detours are large for residents to travel to the other side of the slip.
Borehole testing has been completed at the site, and has identified the need for further testing. Existing bookings for the borehole equipment were changed around to allow Tapu Coroglen to be tested as a priority.
The initial tests have shown what appears to be a weak strip of material between two areas of stronger rock. There may also be a sub-surface flow of water running through the weaker rock that has caused the erosion of the slip at the base, and will need to be addressed in the permanent repairs.
Results of the borehole test will be used to decide the next steps, but due to the weakness of the underlying material and possible sub-surface flows we do not believe that a retreat into the cliff face is possible for a temporary solution.