Thames-Coromandel District Council is doing maintenance dredging of the new channel adjacent to the Royal Billy point jetty in Pauanui over December 22 and 23.
In a post to Facebook, council asked boaties to be aware of the dredging operations and take care during this time.
The dredging operator will give way where possible, it said.
Meanwhile, council’s Wharf Ambassadors will be on deck over the peak summer season at Whitianga and Whangamatā.
They will manage activities at the wharves (wharf jumping/diving, fishing, mooring, charter operations) by ensuring that all users – leisure and business – undertake their activity in the designated areas in a safe way.
Check out more about boat ramps here: and find out how children and wharf users can stay safe on wharves here:

TCDC is doing maintenance dredging of the new channel adjacent to the Royal Billy point this month. PHOTO: TCDC/FB