You are currently viewing Junior brass band blasts to success
Junior band members Rudolf Tuhaka, left, Sena Hayashi, Brody Matete, Emma Powell, tutor Clive Burnell, Jessie Logan, Kiara Curtis-Apeu, and Kui Curtis-Apeu. Photo: SUPPLIED

Junior brass band blasts to success

Seven junior members of the Kerepēhi Brass Band were “over the moon” after winning first place at a regional contest.
The junior band won the primary school ensemble division at the Waikato Bay of Plenty Brass Band Regional Contest held at Tauranga Boys College on October 15.
Kerepēhi Brass Band president Luke Van Vliet told The Profile the young members, who attended school in Netherton, Ngātea, Turua, and Waerenga, were “very chuffed” and “over the moon” with their result.
“They were beaming and it couldn’t have gone better with their reaction,” he said.
“The adjudicator had very positive comments about them, saying it was one of the best primary school groups he’d seen in quite a number of years, and all-round it was great and most of their families also came along to support.”
Luke said there were around eight different bands across the contest divisions but the Kerepēhi Brass Band juniors was the sole band that competed in the primary school ensemble.
“Our band was the only group capable of pulling together a primary school ensemble due to the large amounts of learners we currently have,” he said.
“They had to be of a good enough standard for the adjudicators to give the [first place] cup.”
Luke said the junior band, who were tutored by Hamilton-based Clive Burnell, formed nearly two years ago and since then, its membership had increased.
“It was nearly two years ago now when we started putting this junior group together and we had about five of them at the end of last year, and this year we increased up to about ten.
“It’s been encouraging to see the growth. A lot of them have been doing very well in their learning, and we thought what better way to have something to work towards than getting down to a competition in Tauranga.”
Luke said the junior band was set to perform at the Ngātea Christmas in the Park on December 10 and the Kerepēhi Brass Band was planning to hold a primary school tour for the junior band at the end of the year.