Kaihere and its nearby rural communities are being encouraged to saddle up for a horse trek fundraiser through farmland and forestry hosted by Kaihere School PTA on November 26.
PTA member Clare Ward told The Profile the fundraiser aimed to raise funds to employ one of the school’s junior room teachers for more hours.
“The Kaihere School PTA hopes to raise funds to support additional hours for the schools junior teacher above what is funded by the Ministry of Education,” she said.
“This enables increased learning opportunities, differentiation and consistency for our tamariki.”
Clare said the PTA hoped a maximum of 100 people would participate in the event.
Those taking part needed their own horse and a $60 entrance fee, she said.
The trek would depart from Patetonga Speedway on Waikaka Rd 10am and end at the same place at 3pm.
“We’ll be going from Waikaka Rd in Patetonga, up through the forestry and then we’ll come out on another farm on Top Rd,” she said.
“Then we’ll head back to Waikaka Rd, we’ll be on top of the ridge in the forestry so hopefully we’ll get some nice views from the top.
“There is also a stop for lunch at 12pm, and at 3pm there is a sausage sizzle with cold drinks available to purchase.
“At 3:30pm we’re going to have a raffle draw,” she said.
Clare said riders needed to bring their own lunch.
Details: Kaihere School Fundraiser Horse Trek, November 26, 10am to 3pm, start and finish at Patetonga Speedway on Waikaka Rd, must bring own lunch and horse with good feet, $60 entry, email clarew@kaihere.school.nz for a registration form.

Brad and Rebecca Johnson will lead the horse trek on November 26. Photo: SUPPLIED