The “leading fundraiser” for Thames Coast Community Kindergarten is set to take flight after a one-year hiatus.
The Great Te Puru Duck Race is scheduled to take place on September 17 from 11am with raffles, food stalls, face painting, games at the West Crescent kindergarten and four race events at the Te Puru Stream.
Committee chairperson Izaac Garmey told The Profile around 100 people had waddled to Te Puru for the event in previous years and this year was expected to be “fun for all ages”.
“It’s a natural amphitheatre, we’ve got all the rocks leading down to the river so everyone lines the edges of the river and in the last few years it’s been a nice day and it’s nice to be Covid free,” he said.
“A couple of lucky parents tip big bags of plastic ducks over the side of the Te Puru bridge and we all watch them float downstream.”
Izaac said the races would include ducks decorated by the kindergarten’s children and two races with non-motorised boats made by primary school children, teenagers and adults which they could enter for $5.
“They’re the most interesting races, the kids come along, they are our future Team New Zealand boat builders, and all materials are allowed apart from polystyrene,” he said.
Izaac said a $5 raffle duck race would also take place where 100 numbered ducks would race downstream with the winners planned to receive prizes.
Izaac said the money raised from the event would go towards a new mural, resources and building restoration for the kindergarten.
The kindergarten raised around $2000 at its clothing swap fundraiser in June and the money went towards outdoor storage facilities.
DETAILS: The Great Te Puru Duck Race, Thames Coast Community Kindergarten, 4 West Crescent, 11am, boat race and raffle duck entries are $5 on the day, raffle tickets can also be purchased at

The return of the Great Te Puru Duck Race is expected to be “fun for all ages”. File Photo: SUPPLIED